Ever since the first carnival in 1960, which at the time was to raise funds to build a youth centre, the carnival has supported our local community. The Woodley Community Carnival continues to survive against the odds, many similar carnivals have long disappeared or are struggling to continue, we put our success down to the fantastic engagement we receive from the local community and the platform it provides for Woodley groups, clubs and businesses to showcase themselves.
Last year, our 60th Carnival was the most succesfull on recored, despite rising costs, thanks mostly in part to an increased footfall and support from our sponsors. The Carnival is self-funding relying on sponsorship and the fee paid on the gates as you enter. We are an independent charity and are not subsidised or funded from your local taxes.
From 2015-2018 we were able to donate 18k to local good causes. Since 2018 we have focused on using any surplus to
increase our reserves (rainy-day fund) to cover one full Carnival with any further surplus remaining being re-invested into the Carnival,
either by expanding what is on offer at our event or to reduce prices to continue to try and make our event accessible to as many in the community as possible.
These actions will help us put on better Carnivals and make sure we are still here to celebrate at 70 years, continuing
to enable charities, cammunity groups and local business to raise funds and promote.
We are very much looking forward to a fantastic afternoon of family entertainment followed by the evening
concert and fireworks display for years to come.