Every year the Carnival is the spectacular gem in Woodley Towns calendar. The event would not take place without the help and support of a team of volunteers and helpers. Everyone gives their time freely , bringing their professional expertise, physical help and willingness to support the committee who meet monthly. We want to formalise this and acknowledge what an important role this is, so we are launching The Friends of Woodley Community Carnival.
We need individuals/groups/clubs who are enthusiastic team players and are happy to get stuck into a range of jobs, some physical some not, some on carnival day and some before/after the event.
If you can spare a minimum of 5 hours either on carnival day or beforehand you can become a friend of the carnival.
Way's you can be involved:
- Provide assistance at carnival events
- Be a procession marshal on carnival day
- help with setting up or packing away the carnival
- As a group help deliver the carnival programme
- Organise an affiliated carnival event
We are also looking for support from local businesses and organisations who can provide equipment and logistics. Where possible we support local business in our procurement for the carnival each year, if you feel you can contribute we would love to hear from you.
More hands make light work. If you fancy being proactive and joining in the fun, this a great day out you don’t want to miss! Contact