The Woodley Carnival just wouldn't be the same without the Procession. We have a blockbuster theme for 2019, "At the Movies", so it's time to become the director, find your cast and enter your float. It's never too early to register to take part, it's FREE, it's fun and easy to get involved.
As a Walking Party: The simplest way is to dress up and join in, you don't need to have a lorry or a fancy car, let shanks's pony (or even an actual pony!) take the strain; as an alternative - if there is a group of you, why not decorate bicycles or scooters and ride along the route?
In a decorated car, vintage car or another unusual vehicle: Motor cars and vans supporting a group of walkers are permitted in the parade, but should be decorated in a Carnival theme. Classic or vintage cars, tractors, fire engines and tanks are also welcome to take part
Commercial vehicles: Commercial vehicles promoting a business are also allowed in the procession. The best way to get noticed is through excellent decoration - just showing up in your work-day-livery with a couple of balloons might do more harm than good to your business' reputation - we've heard the feedback.
Floats and lorries: The biggest and most striking way to enter the parade is with a float. Local firm MCH Vehicle Rental has kindly donated 8 lorries, so you have no excuse if you would like to join in.
The procession will be starting in Comet Way on the airfield at 11am and after travelling through the streets of Woodley will enter the carnival field at 1.30pm. Our judges, who will have seen the procession from several locations around Woodley, will then present the trophies for the best float and best walking display. Many of the floats will be collecting funds for their own school or charity, so make sure you have your spare change ready.
All entries are encouraged to have a bucket collection on route for their chosen charity or worthy cause.
The procession will be led by this years young Carnival Queens and Princesses.
Have fun!
The most important thing of all is to have FUN! The Woodley Carnival is a fantastic event for all the community. If you’ve never had a float before or would like to get involved see if your friends or a local club might be interested in getting involved.