Many local organisations have stalls on the carnival field, and with around 5000 members of the public attending, it's a great way to do some fundraising or promote what you do. Charity, craft and commercial pitches are available.
The nature of stalls is monitored to avoid duplication or too many similar stalls. The pitch sizes are approximately 3m x 3m (10 ' x 10') and will be clearly defined. Unfortunately, there will be no way of increasing this allocation on the day.
If you would like to have a stall on Carnival Day please complete our online form and payment. If your application is unsuccessful, all payments will be returned in full. The committee's decision is final.
The pitch size has changed this year, each pitch is 3m x 3m (10 ' x 10')
This year we have 4 classes of stalls, Charity, Community, Craft, and Commercial.
Definition of "Charity Stalls": For the self-promotion of a charity. You must have a valid charity commission number.
Definition of "Community Stalls": For the self-promotion of a local group.
Definition of "Craft Stall": Is someone who creates or makes unique items/objects with a high degree of
hand-made, physical and/or intellectual input using traditional or contemporary skills.
Definition of "Commercial Stall": There is sufficient "service to customer".
Pitch prices
- Charity £30
- Community £40
- Craft £40
- Commercial £100
What you need to bring
The carnival team will mark out the pitches, and allocate one to you according to your requirements. Waste bins will be strategically around the field and especially near to food outlets for public use, please take your rubbish home at the end of the day. You will need to provide everything else. Most stallholders bring a gazebo, tables (and chairs if they need them) plus whatever it is that they do or sell. If you have any special requirements then bring them to our attention when booking using the additional information box.
Booking information/Terms
It is the stall holder / exhibitor / contractors responsibility to be aware of and confirm to the current regulations at all times during the event. All persons and vehicles must follow the instructions of the marshals and observe all safety instructions and guidance an all documentation.
Woodley Community Carnival recognises it has a duty of care to all attendees however we cannot accept or be held
liable for any injury loss or damage to persons or property however caused.
All stall holders, exhibitors and entertainers must complete our online risk assessment for their stall/activity.
A link to the online risk assessment will be supplied with your booking information.
Commercial operators must supply a copy of their risk assessment and insurance in electronic form 28 days prior to the carnival.
It is advised that all stall holders carry their own public liability insurance as Woodley Community Carnival cannot
insure or be liable for your stall or the area around it.
Pitch allocation
Allocation of space is at the sole discretion of the organisers, we will
endeavor to meet any requested for particular
requirements but this cannot be guaranteed please let us know at time of booking if you have any special requirements.
No access to the Carnival site is permitted before 8am on Saturday 9th June unless written permission is given by
the site manager or safety officer, all vehicles must be removed from the field by 11am and you should be ready to
trade when the carnival opens at noon.
During the Carnival there will be no vehicle movements. Announcements will be made when the site re-opens for vehicle movements. This will be at 5pm approx, or when the Carnival finishes.
There is no parking on the carnival field. You will be required to remove you vehicle from the site. Please be aware
if you need a vehicle on your pitch you will need to have a large enough pitch to accommodate this, only one vehicle
per pitch. There is ample parking facilities adjacent to the carnival field in the local Town Centre pay and display
car parks.
Food and drink
Please note NO hot and cold take away food or drink stalls are allowed without permission. The food concessions
at the Carnival are let by tender. Cake and sweet type stalls are fine please contact us for clarification on this.
Electricity/Electrical devices
No electricity is available on site, if generators are to be used you must inform us at the point of booking, they
must be of the silent type and meet the necessary safety regulations. Generators which are causing a nuisance will
be required to be switched off. Sensible precautions should be used when
refueling generators along with the storage
of fuel. Generators must be fenced off and positioned to prevent the risk of fire or nuisance to other stall holders.
All electrical items used on site must be fit for purpose and meet the necessary regulations. If you are using electrical equipment you must have basic firefighting equipment available suitable for use on electrical fires. Any electrical or gas equipment is liable to be inspected by our qualified engineers and if not considered safe will be removed from the ground.
All rubbish generated by stall holders, exhibitors and contractors
must be removed and taken away by yourself at the end of the event, the pitch area must be left clean and tidy.
The Carnival site opens at 8am for the setting up of the Carnival. All vehicle movements will stop at 11am prompt,
as a result all vehicles must be parked by this time. All stalls and exhibits must be set up and ready to trade when
the Carnival opens to the public at noon.
Vehicle passes and Wristbands
Any vehicle forming part of your display will require a vehicle pass to remain on the field, you will need to have
a large enough pitch to accommodate the vehicle. On entry you will be issued the wristbands (and vehicle pass if
requested) you ordered at the time of booking. If additional passes are required they can be purchased on the day
at standard gate prices.
The Carnival organisers will use all reasonable
endeavors to hold the Carnival event as planned. However, the committee
reserve the right to cancel the event due to adverse weather, for public safety or for any other reason at their
absolute discretion. In such case, the committee accept no liability for any loss or damage incurred by the stall
holder. All stall holders are advised to take out insurance against cancellation of the event. The stall fee is non-refundable.
Any stall found to be in breach of any of these rules is liable to have its application refused or withdrawn and will not be permitted to trade.
The Carnival site address is
The Memorial Ground, Headley Road, Woodley, Reading. RG5 4JZ
Please note: We are now fully booked for Ice Cream and Hot Food concessions